For too long, evangelistic and discipleship efforts to children have been limited to salvation and Christian growth, leaving out the important aspect of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This may be due to the notion that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is too advanced or too complicated for children to understand. Nothing could be further from the truth.

When children are brought early into a relationship with the Holy Spirit, they grow bolder in their witness for Christ and in manifesting the gifts of the Spirit.
The Holy Spirit fills anyone who is willing and open to receive. Children are more willing and open to the Holy Spirit than any other group of people. Their faith is simple and sincere.
In the book, Children and the Holy Spirit, I have outlined a simple approach used in ministering the baptism of the Holy Spirit to children. It removes the fear that children may have about the experience. We have recorded close to 100% success in getting children to receive the Holy Spirit baptism whenever this approach is followed.
Order your own copy of Children and the Holy Spirit here: